2018 Imaging and cell biology workshop and training school
Date(s) :
From Monday, November 12, 2018 at 8:00:00 AM To Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 6:00:00 PM
Location : Roscoff, Station Biologique, France
Agenda : Phycomorph Event
Workshop “Imaging seaweed cells and tissues”
(12-13 November 2018, max. 90 participants)
The main focus of the workshop is the use of different imaging techniques for the study of seaweed development and morphogenesis. It will give the opportunity for scientists to present the recent results of their work on the mechanisms underlying the growth and development of seaweeds. This will also allow young researchers to meet and discuss with invited speakers presenting their ongoing research.
The workshop is open to all researchers, students and professionals of any country worldwide, with an interest in how macroalgae tissues and cells are built and organised within the seaweed thallus.
Among Keynote speakers : David Domozych (Skydmore College, USA), Chikako Nagasato (Muroran Marine Station, Japan), Christos Katsaros (Univ Athens, Greece), Nadine Peyriéras (BioEmergence, France), Cécile Hervé (SBR, France), Philippe Andrey (IJPB INRA, France), Clément Laigle (LEICA, France), Denis Saint-Marcoux (Univ Saint-Etienne, France), Frithjof Kupper (Aberdeen Univ, U-K), Bénédicte Charrier (CNRS Roscoff, France)
Registration is free but compulsory: here
Announcement poster with the list of speakers
Training School “State-of-the-art of modern techniques for imaging cell and tissues of macroalgae”
(14-15-16 November 2018, max 12 participants)
In continuation of the workshop, a Training School will give the opportunity to students and early stage researchers to participate in laboratory courses related to the main state-of-the-art techniques for imaging macroalgae, among which: transmission electronic microscopy, epifluorescence and confocal microscopy, time-lapse microscopy, immunolocalisation (cytoskeleton and cell wall epitopes), cell microinjection, and imaging softwares (Fiji/ImageJ).
The Training School is open to all scientists working in full COST countries and NNC institutions which are members of the COST Action F1406 (see Participants in http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fa/FA1406?parties).
The course will accept 12 trainees. A 600€ grant will be allocated to 10 trainees, after selection by the Phycomorph Core-group based on the following criteria:
1) Connection and relevance of the Workshop with the current research project
2) Background in cell biology
3) Presentation of recent work at the Workshop
4) Career stage (priority to PhD students and post-doc)
5) Affiliation (priority to “Inclusiveness Target Countries”, as defined by COST: http://www.cost.eu/about_cost/strategy/excellence-inclusiveness)
6) Gender balance
Application period is closed
Organisation : Christos Katsaros (Univ Athens), Bénédicte Charrier (SBR) and Sophie Le Panse (SBR).
Funding: COST Action FA1406 http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fa/FA1406
Detailed program: visit phycomorph.org
Venue of the workshop: Conference room SBR
Travelling to Roscoff: Visit http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/en/research-and-training-centre-marine-biology-and-oceanography/services/visit-sbr
Airport Brest: https://www.brest.aeroport.bzh/accueil
Accommodation: Available at the SBR (55€ per night), or in nearby hotels (list here: https://www.roscoff-tourisme.com/en/accomodation/hotels.php#wei0[glGeo]=9~48.3375~-4.4137~48.7919~-3.6996&wei0[id0]=|LiHotelsV01|Classement|0|1|MoHotelsV01||FO-5|FO-2|FO|FA|FA)