Kavala Meeting: some photos
The workshop and Training School dedicated to Macroalgal Cultivation took place last week in Kavala, Greece

The two local organisers: Dr Sotiris Orfanidis and Prof Christos Katsaros.
Some more pictures of the event:

Workshop: first day, conference room

Workshop:Tim Atack (Viking Fish Farms Ltd, U-K)

Workshop: Alvaro Israel (National Institute of Oceanography, Israël)

Amir Neori (National Center for Mariculture, Israël)

Visit of the cultivation facilities.

Training School: Olivier De Clerck (Univ Gent, Belgium) showing Dictyota embryos

Training School: Teis Boderskov (Aarhus Univ, Denmark) showing Saccharina gametophytes

Training School: Elodie Rolland (CNRS Roscoff, France), showing Ectocarpus handling.