COST Action FA1406 (2015-2019)

Imaging Workshop and Training School


Programme of the 2-days workshop


Training School (3 days) made the trainees practice on:

- Immunolabelling (Microtubules in brown alga Dyctiota); Trainers: Amerssa Tsirigoti (Univ Athenes, Greece) and Maria Koutalianou (Univ Athenes, Greece)

- Transmission Electronic Microscopy and gold immunolabelling (Ectocarpus, Scytosiphon); Trainers: Christos Katsaros (Univ Athenes, Greece), Sophie Le Panse (Station Biologique Roscoff, France)

- Microinjection (Green alga Bryopsis); Trainer: Chikako Nagasato (Muroran Marine Station, Japan)

- Time-lapse microscopy (Brown algae Ectocarpus and Saccharina); Trainer: Hervé Rabillé (Station Biologique Roscoff, France)

- Confocal microscopy (Brown algae Dyctiota and Saccharina); Trainers: Rudy Huis and colleagues (Leica, France), Bénédicte Charrier (Station Biologique Roscoff, France)

- Light Sheet Microscopy (Brown alga Saccharina); Trainers: Nadine Peyriéras (BioEmergence, CNRS, France), Clément Laigle (Leica, France).

- Image analyses: ImageJ/FIJI; Trainer: Philippe Andrey (IJPB, INRA Versailles, France)