COST Action FA1406 (2015-2019)

YOU & Phycomorph

Phycomorph: an international scientific network dedicated to seaweeds, as a tool for a broad audience such as:

  • Academic and applied researchers

  • Aquaculture stakeholders and policy-makers

  • Aquaculture industrial end-users

  • Students

How can Phycomorph help you?

  • Researchers

Have a better understanding of fundamental processes related to seaweed fertility, growth and development and promote development of sustainable algal aquaculture

  • Stakeholders and policy-makers

Benefit from recommendations on the early stages and multiple use of seaweed aquacultures, to reduce the environmental impact of seaweed aquacultures and to use seaweeds as e.g. waste water management of e.g. other aquaculture species.

  • Aquaculture industrial end-users

Benefit from knowledge transfer through publications, having the specific partners of the network presented and identified, and/or through dissemination meetings and workshops directly interacting with the network for future collaboration.

  • Students

Obtain advanced scientific training funded in part by the network, giving students unique possibilities via STSMs and Training Schools to visit the specialists and their labs.

How can you help Phycomorph?

Share with us your knowledge or your questions on algal life cycles, aquaculture techniques, aquaculture management by becoming a Phycomorpher yourself and use the Forum of the Phycomorph website. This will also make you visible in the network and to others using the network and website.


Don't miss out on our activities!!


Target group

More info




Training schools

Mainly young researchers


Short Term Scientific Missions

Students and young researchers
